A bag so fancy it has its own bag
/This month I purchased my first expensive handbag. I also made my first attempt at an "unboxing" or "haul" video. Is it mortifying? Yes. But this year is all about trying new things...
Read MoreMy mom's dying wish was that I spend money on myself – so I'm doing it! Join me as I spend $1,000 per month for a year and see what I discover about women, shopping and self-worth.
This month I purchased my first expensive handbag. I also made my first attempt at an "unboxing" or "haul" video. Is it mortifying? Yes. But this year is all about trying new things...
Read MoreFinding out what money buys.
What and Why
It was my mother’s dying wish that I spend money on myself – so I'm going to do it. For the next year, using money she left me, I'm going to spend $1,000 per month on fun things – clothes, travel, who knows? – and see if it changes my life.
As I honour my mom's wish — and write about it — I hope to start a conversation about how women feel about money, spending and self-worth.